Quick Start

This will help you get started in using the library. Please note that while the library has basic error handling, passing some incorrect values may crash the emulator and your application with it.

Run it, load a ROM, display it in a window

This is the most basic way to run the emulator. This is most useful when writing small debugging applications or testing things out:

from desmume.emulator import DeSmuME

emu = DeSmuME()

# Create the window for the emulator
window = emu.create_sdl_window()

# Run the emulation as fast as possible until quit
while not window.has_quit():
    window.process_input()   # Controls are the default DeSmuME controls, see below.

    # -- Do your custom stuff here, or use memory hooks. --

Default emulator controls:

  • L: q

  • R: w

  • Y: a

  • X: s

  • A: x

  • B: z

  • Start: Return

  • Select: Shift Right

  • Up: Up, Down: Down, Left: Left, Right: Right

Joystick processing will also be avaiable, if gamepads are connected.

This easy way of running the emulator is not very configurable, the default key bindings can’t be changed.

Accessing memory and registers

You can access and manipulate the memory of the game while. See MemoryAccessor for more information.

You can also access the registers, see RegisterAccessor.

Registering read/write/exec hooks

You can register custom Python functions, that will be executed when memory is written to or read from or code is being executed.

See register_exec(), register_read(), register_write().

Custom input processing

For custom input processing, use DeSmuME_Input:

from desmume.controls import keymask, Keys
from desmume.emulator import DeSmuME

emu = DeSmuME()

# Press the A button
a_keymask = keymask(Keys.KEY_A)
# Release the A button

# Touch the screen
emu.input.touch_set_pos(10, 20)
# Move the touch
emu.input.touch_set_pos(10, 30)
# Release the touch

Joystick processing is done by the emulator. You can configure the keys however:

from desmume.emulator import DeSmuME
# Pause the thread and wait for the user to press a joystick button. Configure
# this pressed button as the A button.

Custom drawing

You can get the current display buffer and process it manually:

from desmume.emulator import DeSmuME, SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT

emu = DeSmuME()

# Example code to convert the framebuffer into two Cairo surfaces for both
# screens.
gpu_framebuffer = emu.display_buffer_as_rgbx()

upper_image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(

lower_image = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(

If you are building a GTK+ app, you might want to have a look at GTK+ Integration.